Step 2

  1. Rotate in your desks counterclockwise.
  2. Look at the open bibliography file.
  3. Listen to your instructor explain how to activate Word's Track Changes feature
  4. Activate Track Changes in the document in front of you.
  5. Review the directions for Assignment 2: The Annotated Bibliography
  6. Copy and paste the bulleted list named "Source Requirements" from the assignment prompt.
  7. Review what sources your sample bibliography file has, and mark next to the bulleted list which are complete and which are missing.
  8. Turn to page 439 in your textbook and look through the section "MLA List of Works Cited".
  9. Check each listing in the bibliography.  Mark any errors or missing sections you see.
  10. With the highlight tool in Word, highlight in YELLOW the section of each annotation that is summation.
  11. With the highlight tool in Word, highlight in LIGHT BLUE the section of each annotation that is evaluation.
  12. For your [next to] final task, go to the top of the annotated bibliography, create a title for the project, and write what you think would be a good statement of scope that would explain the sources you've reviewed.
  13. Rotate counterclockwise again and double-check what your classmate did to that bibliography.  Discuss any discrepancies you see.
  14. Save the document and email it to