Ch 9 Intro, Concl, Transitions

times of intros --
body first
intro in relation to body
intro quick
usually it's good to practice, but that goes against the imprompu speech

I'm somewhat against quotes in the end.  Be careful.  This should be about you.
Do summarize at least insofar as providing hooks back into your main points.
again compose after body

Ch 8 The Body

organization provides structure, and structure makes your message accessible.
it's easier to remember something put in order than something coming at you randomly.
good organization helps listeners predict your next point.  they interact with your speech, and become, literally, active listeners.
good flow is also convincing.  if your points proceed naturally, they will add to your ability to persuade

stuart kim and the united way

checklist for id'ing main ideas on 197

eliminate overly similar ideas
keep ideas simple but exhaustive
repetition through parallelism

pick crucial topics
ensure ideas don't argue with each other

primary effect vs. recency effect (first or last point strongest to take advantage of...)

organizational patterns on page 209
what's residues pattern?  (ruling out all alternatives)

support requirements directly related to audience.
you must analyze your audience before your speech
if they're not going to buy in, you'll need more support, natch
shorter generally better

-- tough to do in a speech versus a paper.