Creating your "second" post

Today we're going to create a typical post.  Different from a "let me introduce myself and my blog" style first post, this should be a post you could see yourself posting to your blog whether it was a week old or several years old.

Please proceed through these steps before the end of class.

  1. Read through your twitter feed and blog rolls.  With this and other information you've seen recently, determine a good topic.
  2. Think about which linkbaiting scheme you'll want to use.
  3. Stop and brainstorm potential titles.  Make sure they are catchy, even slightly provocative.  Remember that your title and a few words of your post might be all someone at Google or Bing sees when they're deciding whether or not to follow the link.
  4. Insert your tentative title and begin editing.
  5. DO NOT PRESS PUBLISH!!  (yet)
  6. As you edit, think about what other sites should be linked to from your post.  Make sure you include those links in your post.
  7. Consider if a visual would make the post stronger.  (Quick answer: It would!)
  8. Once you're done editing, look back over your post.
  9. Think about the best time for the post to go live.  Note that you can tell Blogger to publish your post at any time in the future.  You can hold publication until a specified time.  Regularity encourages readership.
  10. When you're done, PUBLISH your post (at least temporarily), and bring the URL of your blog to your instructor.