Lebron Rise Nike commercial

References scene-by-scene:

1. The Decision
Fan reaction in Cleveland -- 1 (AP), 2 (Local news), FatHead Price (1741, anyone?)
2. LeBron's high school mistake
"The nation's top high school player -- and projected NBA star -- was ruled ineligible as an amateur because he accepted free sports jerseys, ending the celebrated senior's high school career."
3. "30 foot billboard" in Cleveland comes down (2).
4. Jordan's hall of fame speech (Young Turks analyze)
5. Lebron's "Chosen" back tattoo (there's a site (well, lots) with a page dedicated to LeBron's tattoos, for goodness sake)
6. Shoes shoes shoes (cb. Jordan and Mars Blackmon from 1991)
7. Barkley "I am not a role model" Nike ad.
Barkley then and now
8. The Villian (back to #1 fan reaction, but also sports media now)
9. LeBron and his friends (who run his PR company, LRMR Media -- picture from their website)
10. Shaq's "acting" (and, of course, Miami Vice)
11. Laugh?
12. Soulful poem -- Maya Angelou -- "Still I Rise" (Angelou reading the poem)
No idea who we're spoofing here, but it does seem to be spoofing a very serious poem, author, and topic.
13. "Or should we just clear the decks and start over?"
14. Can't tell -- he doesn't obviously switch hands in this and the previous scene of him playing ball, and is using his right, but it's reminiscent of Jordan's hand swap shot.
15. Nike's Just do it campaign  (Mars is right?)

Pardon the Interruption soundbite
SportsNation Spoof
Other ESPN related videos
Lots more stuff

Themes for my BMW:
  1. Kobe vs. LeBron decisions and "villiany"
    1. personal vs. private life?
  2. "This is your life" style montage
  3. Domination of media coverage by celebrity
  4. Sports, free agency, and loyalty in a postmodern age (where old ideals have been deconstructed)
  5. It's the shoes, right?