Note: If you couldn't tell, this entire tutorial is from circa 2000, and you have to view the pages' source to know what's going on. It's part of a class I taught at the NOAA Coastal Services Center years ago. That said, it's still decent stuff to know if you want to be a good JavaScript programmer!

Look at all the capitals in the HTML tags! Crazy. ;^D -- RUF 2017

Web Technologies Class

  1. Javascript
    1. Alert boxes ("Hello, cruel world.")
    2. Strings
      1. As variables
      2. document.write
      3. Operations on strings and String.methods()
        1. String addition
        2. myString.split("split string")
          1. Array Declaration
          2. Array Usage
        3. myString.replace(/newString/gi,bigOldString)
        4. myString.indexOf(potentialSubString)
          1. index if found
          2. -1 if not
          3. Bizarro indexOf() -- lastIndexOf()
        5. myString.slice(beginIndex) OR .slice(beginIndex, endIndex)
        6. myString.length; // property alert! (not a method)
        7. myString.charAt(index);
        8. myString.charCodeAt(index);
        9. myString.fromCharCode(index1,index2.index3);
        10. Late entry -- the Image Swap
    3. Math
      1. Ints
      2. Operations
        1. +,-,*./   (aka: Add, subtract, multiply and divide)
        2. % or Modulus (Who made THAT word up?)
      3. Float and Conversions (from string to numeric)
        1. parseFloat(myString);
        2. if (isNaN(parseFloat(myString))) {...
    4. Form
      1. Elements

        Radio 1   Radio 2
        Check Box 1 Check Box 2

      2. Submittals
      3. "Query Strings"
      4. DOMs (document.form[].elements[].value)
    5. Events
      1. onClick
      2. onMouseOver
      3. onMouseOut
      4. onChange
      5. onSubmit (see D2, above)
      6. focus
    6. Browser Checks
      1. Through DOMs (Document Object Hierarchies)
        1. document.layers vs.
        2. document.all
      2. Through variables
        1. navigator.appCodeName
        2. navigator.appName
        3. navigator.appVersion
        4. navigator.userAgent
        5. Moving trucks
    7. Objects not appearing in this film
      1. Confirm
      2. Prompt
      3. Frames (and their parents and DOMs)

  2. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
    1. Declaring
      1. In individual elements
      2. At top of page
      3. Through includes
    2. Overriding
    3. Objects/Properties
      1. color
      2. text-decoration
      3. border
      4. font-family
      5. font-size

  3. Dynamic HTML (DHTML)
    1. Using the SPAN and DIV tags
    2. Accessing CSS values through the browser-specific DOMs
    3. Useful Properties for DHTML
      1. visibility
      2. absolute position
    4. Javascript functions for DHTML

Webmonkey -- CSS tutorial
Javascript Reference from Netscape (beware the layer!).
Plain Jane HTML tag ref.